Olympic broadcasters back social to boost Games audience

The Seven Network’s Rio 2016 Media Kit has a pertinent quote from Kurt Burnette (Seven’s Event Director - Olympic Games and Chief Revenue Officer), where he notes that: You are about to become deeply involved with what we are now referring to as “the very first unmissable Olympic Games”. This statement is in reference to the fact… Continue reading Olympic broadcasters back social to boost Games audience

Social Networking apps a key to sports broadcasting this summer

  Many summaries of the 2011 television year noted the growing influence of Twitter. Examples given included the quick demise of Ben Elton’s Live from Planet Earth or the furore that developed following the broadcast of Kyle & Jackie O’s A Night with the Stars. Whilst networks have been encouraging viewer engagement through social networking sites… Continue reading Social Networking apps a key to sports broadcasting this summer

The Devastating Queensland Floods – SPECIAL REPORT

There has been non-stop news coverage across Australia and the world as the Queensland Flood Crisis continues worsen. I was sent home from work yesterday in Brisbane’s CBD and was told not to go into work today or tomorrow. The Brisbane CBD is like a ghost town with only essential services such as supermarkets open… Continue reading The Devastating Queensland Floods – SPECIAL REPORT

Airlines use Facebook as the new PR front

Over the past week airports across Europe and the USA have been left at a standstill due to severe winter snow storms. The snow has caused havoc to Christmas travellers trying to make it back to family gatherings around the world. This CNN World Report video highlights the chaos that has been caused across both sides… Continue reading Airlines use Facebook as the new PR front

I like it on….facebook

Many male Facebook users have been wondering over the pass week why so many females on Facebook have been posting seemingly provocative status updates. Status updates have included “I like it on my desk at work”, “I like it @ the front door” and “I like it on the bathroom floor”. Unfortunately lads this is… Continue reading I like it on….facebook